Discussion on Additional Forms

for-loop Form Syntax

See optimizer.md for more information on this. I need a syntax to represent for-loop.

Original syntax used by Backus

[E(i) i = f, g]

My current syntax of this

(for-loop E f g)

Note how I excluded i. This is a problem because many rules require manipulation of i. Implementation of this as a compiler also has been a challenge. Interpreter was relatively easier:

(defun for-loop (body-form start end)
  "Loop form
    [E(i) i = f, g]: x = [E(f:x), E(f:x + 1) .. E(g:x)]:x
    E = body-form, f = start, g = end"
  #'(lambda (x)
      (loop for idx
          from (funcall (fl start) x)
          below (funcall (fl end) x)
        collect (funcall (fl (list body-form idx)) x))))

I needed start and end at the runtime to generate the loop and that made compiler a bit painful. Let’s get back to matter of syntax. Most relevant line in the above is following:

(funcall (fl (list body-form idx)) x)

I am compiling (E i) (using notation of backus [E(i) i = f, g]) using fl and that is exactly how this form is intended to be implemented by Backus:

for i = f:x, g:x
    r[i] := p(E(i), x)

Where p(E(i), x) corresponds to the above highlighted line from my code. Ok then what’s the problem?

I need to represent following rule from Backus in my syntax:

trans.[[E(i,j) i=f,g] j=r,s] = [[E(i,j) j=r,s] i=f,g]

Here the problem comes down to E(i, j). Backus simply represented it as E(i, j), how does it work for me? Let’s examine specifically:

[[E(i,j) i=f,g] j=r,s]

In my current construct this is:

(for-loop (for-loop E f g) r s)

What are the semantics of this?

(loop for i from r:x below s:x collect
    (funcall (fl (list (for-loop E f g) i)) x)

I need to be able to evaluate

((for-loop E f g) i)

That is for-loop in which i is constant. This will probably need me to use lambdas, closures and stuff.

Ok, let’s try this:

    (lambda (i) body-form)
     f g)

(lambda (i) body-form) generates FL code with i as constant. I specifically named the variable i and that makes all the difference - because I can substitute it later. Also the functional form actually gets converted to FL code. Sort of like a macro - not actual functional form.

In a sense, this is what (list body-form idx) is doing but it is sort of implicit. Let’s try to write identity function in this new formalism:

; before
(for-loop idx (const 0) len)

; now
(for-loop #'(lambda (i) `(idx i))
    (const 0)

This makes a lot of sense. Let’s go back to our problem and see if this works:

; before
(for-loop (for-loop E f g) r s)

; after
(for-loop #'(lambda (j) 
    `(for-loop #(lambda (i)
    ) f g
    r s))

This is a bit confusing because FL programs contains a small part of lisp inside it. Let’s take concrete example of identity for matrices:

[[i.j i=~1, len.1] j=~1, len]

Let’s just translate it directly

    (for-loop (comp (idx i) (idx j))
        i (const 1) (comp len (idx 1)))
    j (const 1) len)

Let’s make it more like C by rearranging numbers:

(for-loop j (const 0) len
    (for-loop i (const 0) (comp len (idx 0))
        (comp (idx i) (idx j))))

Very nice! Let’s just implement this lol. I have a feeling that this construct is related to recursion but that’s for later. How to write interpreter for this? Just use sublis lol. This works!

Later I will figure out how to write a compiler. May be then I can upgrade to emitting C.

reduce construct

Insert along with for-loop can be an useful thing.