Torch Tutorial - PlantVillage Challenge
There is this interesting challenge called PlantVillage challenge hosted on a newly built platform, crowdai. In this challenge, you are required to identify the disease of a plant from an image of its leaf.
Dataset include both 38 classes of healthy and diseased leaves. Training dataset has 21917 images.
38 classes of crop-disease pairs in the dataset
We’ll use popular deep learning platform torch to solve this problem. This will be a hands-on tutorial covering training of Alexnet ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks .
Tutorial will be accompanied by a repo containing complete working code. It will include ResNet Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition along with Alexnet.
This tutorial assumes familiarity with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and torch. Here are some resources to get started:
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning book by Michael Nielsen. Chapter 6 is the essential reading.
- Torch tutorials
- Torch cheat sheet
CNNs learn hierarchical task-specific invariant features. For example, first few layers of CNN may learn to recognize particular type of leaf spots and later layers may learn about pattern of these spots to finally make a decision about disease. An usual CNN is a stack of convolutional layers and max-pooling layers.
CNNs were very successful in visual recognition tasks. They have been consistently winning Imagenet large scale visual recognition challenge (ILSVRC). Imagenet is a huge database of 15 million tagged image. A standard approach for a problem like ours is to take an imagenet trained model and fine tune it to our problem. However this is against the rules of the PlantVillage challenge. So, we’ll train our networks from scratch.
Let’s quickly start by building alexnet model.
Our model will take input a tensor of size 3x224x224
It will output a 38
size tensor holding log probability for each of the 38 classes.
We add SpatialBatchNormalization
to the standard alexnet model to speed up the trainig.
require 'nn'
local SpatialConvolution = nn.SpatialConvolution
local SpatialMaxPooling = nn.SpatialMaxPooling
function createModel()
local nbClasses = 38
local nbChannels = 3
local features = nn.Sequential()
features:add(SpatialConvolution(nbChannels,64,11,11,4,4,2,2)) -- 224 -> 55
features:add(SpatialMaxPooling(3,3,2,2)) -- 55 -> 27
features:add(SpatialConvolution(64,192,5,5,1,1,2,2)) -- 27 -> 27
features:add(SpatialMaxPooling(3,3,2,2)) -- 27 -> 13
features:add(SpatialConvolution(192,384,3,3,1,1,1,1)) -- 13 -> 13
features:add(SpatialConvolution(384,256,3,3,1,1,1,1)) -- 13 -> 13
features:add(SpatialConvolution(256,256,3,3,1,1,1,1)) -- 13 -> 13
features:add(SpatialMaxPooling(3,3,2,2)) -- 13 -> 6
local classifier = nn.Sequential()
classifier:add(nn.Linear(256*6*6, 4096))
classifier:add(nn.Linear(4096, 4096))
classifier:add(nn.Linear(4096, nbClasses))
local model = nn.Sequential()
return model
Since our last layer is LogSoftMax
, we will use ClassNLLCriterion
as our criterion.
Let’s know prepare the dataset and set the stage for training.
Firstly download the dataset and extract it into a directory.
We’ll divide the images into two directories, train
and val
for training and validation sets respectively.
I used a simple bash script to do this:
cd directory/contaning/c_0c_1...etcdirectories
mkdir -p train val
for i in {0..37}; do mkdir val/c_$i; done
mv c_* train
cd train
find . -iname *.jpg | shuf | head -n 2100| xargs -I{} mv {} ../val/{}
This will move random 2100 images (about 10% of the dataset) in to val
directory and rest into train
Directory structure should now look like:
├── train
│ ├── c_0
│ │ ├── img_name.JPG
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── img_name.JPG
│ ├── c_1
│ ├── ...
│ ├── c_36
│ └── c_37
└── val
├── c_0
├── c_1
├── ...
├── c_36
└── c_37
├── img_name.JPG
├── ...
└── img_name.JPG
Before feeding images into neural networks we’ll resize the images to 224 x 224
and normalize the images with mean and standard deviation of RGB channels computed from a random subset of ImageNet.
In the world of deep learning, dataset of 20,000 images is a relatively small dataset. We’ll therefore augment the data during training with
: A randomly sized crop covering anywhere between 8%-100% of the imageColorJitter
: Randomly vary brightness, contrast and saturation of the imageLighting
: Alexnet style PCA-based noise.HorizontalFlip
: Flip the image horizontally
Code to do these transformations is in datasets/transforms.lua
. Most of it is borrowed from fb.resnet.torch repo.
We will load the images in batches and do all this processing/augmentation on the fly. This is done by writing a class named DataGen
Essentially, code
Understanding how iterators work in lua can be a little tricky. Read the following documentation for details.
can be summarized as :
require 'paths'
t = require 'datasets/transforms.lua'
local DataGen = torch.class 'DataGen'
function DataGen:__init(path)
-- path is path of directory containing 'train' and 'val' folders
-- find all the images in train and val folders.
self.rootPath = path
self.trainImgPaths = self.findImages(paths.concat(self.rootPath, 'train'))
self.valImgPaths = self.findImages(paths.concat(self.rootPath, 'val'))
self.nbTrainExamples = #self.trainImgPaths
self.nbValExamples = #self.valImgPaths
-- Some utility functions
function DataGen.findImages(dir)
-- Returns a table with all the image paths found in dir using 'find'
local function getClass(path)
-- gets class from the name of the parent directory
local className = paths.basename(paths.dirname(path))
return tonumber(className:sub(3)) + 1
--- Iterator
function DataGen:generator(pathsList, batchSize, preprocess)
-- pathsList is table with paths of images to be iterated over
-- batchSize is number of images to be loaded in one iteration
-- preprocess is function which will be applied to image after it's loaded
-- Split all the paths into random batches
local pathIndices = torch.randperm(#pathsList)
local batches = pathIndices:split(batchSize)
local i = 1
return function ()
if i <= #batches then
local currentBatch = batches[i]
local X = torch.Tensor(currentBatch:size(1), 3, 224, 224)
local Y = torch.Tensor(currentBatch:size(1))
for j = 1, currentBatch:size(1) do
local currentPath = pathsList[currentBatch[j]]
X[j] = preprocess(t.loadImage(currentPath))
Y[j] = getClass(currentPath)
i = i + 1
return X, Y
function DataGen:trainGenerator(batchSize)
local trainPreprocess = t.Compose{
brightness = 0.4,
contrast = 0.4,
saturation = 0.4,
t.Lighting(0.1, t.pca.eigval, t.pca.eigvec),
return self:generator(self.trainImgPaths, batchSize, trainPreprocess)
function DataGen:valGenerator(batchSize)
local valPreprocess = t.Compose{
return self:generator(self.valImgPaths, batchSize, valPreprocess)
Complete code for this class with some error catching is at datasets/plantvillage.lua
We can now simply use a DataGen
object to write a for
loop to iterate over all the images:
for input, target in dataGen:trainGenerator(batchSize) do
-- code to train your model
Neat, isn’t it?
To refresh your memory, in torch model:forward(input)
computes the output
of neural network.
This is the forward pass of the backpropagation algorithm while model:backward(input,gradOutput)
is the backward pass of the backpropagation.
Forward and backward passes for criterion
are also very similar.
We’ll use stochastic gradient descent with momentum (optim.sgd
) to make the updates to the network. Let us also use the learning rate scheduler in alexnet paper: Divide the learning rate by 10 every 30 epochs.
Our training script will look like:
require 'nn'
require 'datasets/plantvillage.lua'
require 'models/alexnet.lua'
-- create model, criterion and data generator
model = createModel()
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyCriterion()
dataGen = DataGen('path/to/folder/with/train-val-directories/')
-- learning rate and other parameters
nbEpochs = 120
learningRate = 0.01
momentum = 0.9
batchSize = 32
-- params are parameters of the network that need to be optimized
-- gradParams are gradients of these parameters
params, gradParams = model:getParameters()
-- for optim solver
optimState = {
learningRate = learningRate,
momentum = momentum,
nesterov = true,
dampening = 0.0,}
local function feval()
return criterion.output, gradParams
-- confusion matrix to calculate accuracies
confusion = optim.ConfusionMatrix(38)
nEpoch = 1
-- function to train model for an epoch
function train()
optimState.learningRate = learningRate*math.floor((nEpoch - 1) / 30)
nEpoch = nEpoch + 1
for input, target in dataGen:trainGenerator(batchSize) do
-- Forward pass
output = model:forward(input)
criterion:forward(output, target)
-- Backward pass
model:zeroGradParameters() -- clear gradients from previous backward
critGrad = criterion:backward(output, target)
model:backward(input, critGrad)
-- Make updates using adam
optim.sgd(feval, params, optimState)
-- function to validate current model on validation data
function validate()
for input, target in dataGen:valGenerator(batchSize) do
-- Forward pass
output = model:forward(input)
confusion:batchAdd(output, target)
valAcc = self.confusion.totalValid*100
print('Validation accuracy = ' .. valAcc)
for i = 1, nbEpochs do
If you look at the code in the repo, you’ll find that I have divided training into
scripts for configuration and training respectively.
In main.lua
, we manage the configuration of the neural network and criterion.
In train.lua
, I wrote a Trainer
class with Trainer:train()
and Trainer:validate()
methods very similar to train()
function above except with some logging. This allows us to experiment with different configurations easily.
To evaluate our model on the test set, we will predict on 4 corner patches and center crop from image and its horizontal reflection. We will then average the output from all these as our prediction.
Our evaluation script then looks like:
local function findImages(dir)
-- Returns a table with all the image paths found in
-- dir using 'find'
-- Ten Crops
local t = require 'datasets/transforms'
local transform = t.Compose{
-- predict for all image
for _,imgpath in ipairs(findImages(arg[2])) do
local img = image.load(imgpath, 3, 'float')
local name = paths.basename(imgpath)
-- Scale, normalize, and ten crop the image
-- View as mini-batch of size 10
img_batch = transform(img)
-- Get the output of the softmax and average it
local output = model:forward(img_batch):mean(1)[1]
-- print the name and output in correct form.
I have trained the alexnet model with the above augmentation technique for 120 epochs. On a machine with Nvidia Titan X, each epoch took about 3/4 minutes. It took about 7 hrs On my Macbook Air, each epoch takes this much time. to train the network.
I get a F-Score of 0.99 with this network :).
I also have trained resnet-34 (ResNet is the winner of the latest imagenet challenge) and got almost the same F-Score.
You can train these yourself using accompaying repo Feel free to mail me if you have found any bugs. :
git clone
cd plantvillage-challenge
# train alexnet
th main.lua -save . -data path/to/train-val
# evaluate alexnet
th submission.lua alexnet_120.h5 path/to/test > alexnet_submission.csv
# train resnet
th main.lua -model resnet -depth 34 -learningRate 0.1
# evaluate alexnet
th submission.lua resnet_120.h5 path/to/test > resnet_submission.csv