Evolutionary Rate at the Molecular Level 14 December 2020 Calculating the rate of evolution in terms of nucleotide substitutions seems to give a value so high that many of the mutations involved must be neutral ones.
Learning Representations by Back-propagating Errors 13 December 2020 We describe a new learning procedure, back-propagation, for networks of neurone-like units. The procedure repeatedly adjusts the weights of the connections in the network so as to minimize a measure of the difference between the actual output vect...
Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 13 December 2020 Systems as diverse as genetic networks or the world wide web are best described as networks with complex topology. A common property of many large networks is that the vertex connectivities follow a scale-free power-law distribution. This feature ...
What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell 10 December 2020 This little book arose from a course of public lectures, delivered by a theoretical physicist to an audience of about four hundred which did not substantially dwindle, though warned at the outset that the subject-matter was a difficult one and tha...
Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks 08 December 2020 Networks of coupled dynamical systems have been used to model biological oscillators, Josephson junction arrays, excitable media, neural networks, spatial games, genetic control networks and many other self-organizing systems. Ordinarily,the conne...